sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009

Miami Beach

Hello again :)

I just came back from Miami Beach with my uncle and aunt. We met a friend of my uncle's, an old chinese lady named Gloria. We ate some pizza and then some ice-cream. Then we went to an art gallery from a Brazilian artist named Romero Britto.

Miami Beach is a cool place, despite all the weird people. Lots of dogs.

I love dogs, but I never had one. My dad liked them too, but he was always too strict and he didn't want a dog messing up the place. My grandma is very afraid of dogs, and my mom thought I wouldn't take good care of it and she would have to do the hard work.

But someday, when I move to my own house, I'll have a dog and a cat. Dogs are fun, and cats are smart - that's why I like both.

Well, it's kinda late and I'm tired, so I'm gonna stop here.

See ya.

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