sexta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2009

É amanhã \o/

Aee galera, amanhã vou pra Orlando *---*

Tô indo pra Disney pela terceira vez, e dessa vez vou tentar aproveitar mais. E vou tirar muitas fotos pra galere õ/
Vou até postar umas aqui :D

Mas agora vamos às últimas novidades:

- Fiz um background muito foda pro meu twitter. Foi todo no paint -.- e deu trabalho, mas valeu a pena :D

- Acabaram minhas aulas de inglês e bateria \o/. Falando nisso, a última aula de bateria foi bem produtiva. Melhorei o paradiddle e me acostumei mais com a bateria acústica.

- Temos novas postagens bem maneirinhas no Vendetta, vale a pena conferir :)

O dia hoje foi um saco, mas tanto faz...

E não sei mais o que escrever '-'

Vou ficando por aqui mesmo, qualquer coisa dou um up aqui. See ya.

sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2009


Nunca vi um feriado mais sem sentido, mas beleza...

Hoje eu fui na casa de uns amigos dos meus tios pra comemorar. Coisa de tradição e talz...

A única coisa interessante que aconteceu lá foi eu ter experimentado vinho pela primeira vez. Tarde, eu sei, mas nunca tive (até onde eu lembro) oportunidade de experimentar.

Era forte pacas, de cara nem gostei... mas com o tempo deve acostumar :)

O resto foi meio chato... fiquei na net pelo iTouch, mas é complicado fazer tudo por ali. Só dá pra fazer uma coisa de cada vez, a tela é pequena e o teclado é chato... Além de que a bateria não aguenta muito. iTouch não serve pra passar horas na net.

Pelo menos a sobremesa era boa. Pudim de brigadeiro feito pela minha tia *-*

Mudando de assunto... faltam 15 dias pra eu ir pra Disney. Acho que uns dias sem PC e me divertindo vão me fazer bem pacas.. eu tava mesmo precisando me desligar um pouco da vida virtual e curtir isso aqui. O negócio é fazer isso por vontade própria ;p

Não sei se cheguei a dizer aqui, mas o Vendetta está contando com mais dois posters: @_may__ e @JeanGuinami.

Eles estão me ajudando a manter o blog em movimento e talz.

No mais, tudo certo...

Bom, tenho que ir dormir. Até a próxima ;**

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009


Olha eu aqui de novo :D

Hoje (ou ontem) eu até esqueci que tinha um blog pessoal, de tão empolgado que eu tava com a minha guitarra nova: uma Dean Vendetta que eu dei o nome de Evey o/

Linda, não? *--*

Mas não foi só ela que me deixou empolgado. Tenho mais duas boas notícias que eu só vou poder comentar quando voltar pro Brasil (e uma delas ainda é incerta).

Mas enquanto eu tava aqui, às 1:20 da manhã, twittando e pensando na vida, bateu uma saudade dos amigos (uma pessoa em especial) e uma vontade louca de voltar pra casa...
Infelizmente ainda vou ter que esperar um pouco pra poder aproveitar meus 18 anos...

Mudando de assunto: ontem eu fui num parque de diversões chamado Santa's Enchanted Forest.
Eu andei numa roda-gigante pela primeira vez na vida \o/ (porque antes eu tinha medo, e quando comecei a perder o medo dessas coisas, não tive oportunidade de ir).

Essa parada é loca demais *-*

Fui também em algumas montanhas-russas e outras paradas maneirinhas.

Enfim, tá tudo certo por aqui... e eu não vejo a hora de ir pra Disney e voltar pra casa ;p

Bom, por hoje é só ;**

segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2009

Parabéns pra mim \o/

Aeeeeee galera! Tô ficando véio :D

Sei que pareço ter 14/15 anos, mas a verdade é que hoje estou fazendo 18 o/
Infelizmente, eu tô nos EUA. E aqui a maioridade é 21 anos, portanto só poderei usufruir dos meus direitos de maior de idade (falei bonito agora) quando voltar pro Brasil :P
De presente, vou ganhar 300 dólares pra comprar uma guitarra nova o/
Mas tá difícil escolher, são muitas opções, uma melhor que a outra...

Fiquei sem postar esses dias porque tava esperando pra postar hoje, aí eu já conto tudo que aconteceu essa semana. Então vamos lá:

Outro dia eu me lembrei dos vídeos do Autoshow daqui de Miami, que eu acabei esquecendo de tirar as fotos e talz. Bom, já peguei tudo e postei no meu orkut (precisei de 3 álbuns), mas vou deixar 3 fotos aqui também:

Bom, acho que é isso. O resto da semana foi normalzinho, com aulas de inglês e bateria...
Se eu lembrar de mais alguma coisa, faço um up aqui.

Até a próxima, e não esqueçam de visitar o Vendetta :D

Update atrasado

No dia do meu aniversário, o Maurício Ricardo (@MauricioRicardo), do, me mandou um 'salve' e um parabéns no Twitter *-----*

Além disso, o pessoal do chat que eu frequento preparou uma 'homenagem' surpresa pra mim no Vendetta, confira aqui

Bom, era só isso,

See ya.

domingo, 8 de novembro de 2009

Novo Orkut

Fala galera, tô de volta :D

Bom, vocês já devem estar sabendo que a Google lançou um novo orkut e talz... e adivinhem só. Eu já tô lá \o/
Mas não precisa ficar com inveja... Se você ainda não recebeu um convite, eu estou sorteando 5 deles no Vendetta. É só passar lá, seguir as instruções e esperar o resultado do sorteio :)

Propagandas à parte, as coisas ainda estão legais por aqui...
Hoje eu saí um pouco com meus tios pro shopping, mas voltamos logo. Amanhã tem churrasco \o/

Não tô me lembrando de nada de diferente que tenha acontecido, mas sei que segunda-feira eu vou num jogo de basquete e que faltam 8 dias pro meu 18'o aniversário :D
Também to ansioso pela viagem à Disney... Vi as fotos do hotel no site, parece ser bem foda *--*

E acho que por enquanto é isso...

See ya.

terça-feira, 3 de novembro de 2009


Essa última semana foi meio estranha, fiquei sabendo de umas coisas que me deixaram confuso, mas vamo lá:

Como vocês sabem, dia 31 foi o Halloween, e eu fui dar uma volta com meu tio só pra ver como era.
É louco demais, as fantasias são sinistras, mas tem umas bem toscas xD
A gente ficou lá olhando e depois voltamos pra casa.

Ah, também recebi a notícia de que vou pra Disney de novo em dezembro \o/

As aulas de inglês estão legais também... Tinha entrado uma menina brasileira, mas ela não conseguiu acompanhar a turma e acho que saiu, mas entraram outras duas mulheres brasileiras \o/ infelizmente são bem mais velhas...

Hoje eu fiquei sem PC na parte da tarde, porque minha tia levou o notebook pra aula de novo. Aí eu fui na Best Buy tocar um pouco de bateria e guitarra, dar umas voltas e até comprei uma camisa nova. Comi uma pizza no Target e vim pra casa.

Agora tenho que ir dormir... Até a próxima, e continuem visitando o Vendetta!

quarta-feira, 28 de outubro de 2009

Últimas novas

Sei que tem uns dias que não posto aqui, mas é que esses últimos dias foram meio cansativos ;p

Acho que a única novidade que me lembro é que no último sábado eu fui no Salão do Automóvel aqui de Miami, mas ainda não terminei de editar as fotos e vídeos. Quando estiver tudo pronto eu posto aqui.

Ah, hoje o filho de uma amiga da minha mãe me emprestou a guitarra dele. Agora tenho mais coisa pra fazer em casa :D

As aulas de bateria estão indo bem... As de inglês melhoraram agora, entrou uma brasileira na minha turma \o/
Mas ela não sabe quase nada de ingreis, e nem foi na aula hoje... talvez tenha saído da aula :/

O Vendetta (meu blog) foi linkado nos agregadores hoje e ontem, as visitas dispararam :D

Bom, acho que é só isso por enquanto. Se eu lembrar de mais alguma coisa faço um up aqui.

See ya.

segunda-feira, 19 de outubro de 2009

O Mundo não pára

Salve galera o/

Tô de volta, e melhor do que ontem. Meu dia está tranquilão por enquanto, e dificilmente será estragado:

De manhã eu vim pro PC pra conversar um pouco com o pessoal do chat, depois fui pra aula de inglês, que não foi nem chata nem legal.

Voltei, almocei e vim pro PC de novo. O Max veio conversar comigo, e a conversa animou meu dia pacas o/

Mas não posso revelar o que ele falou, até que esteja tudo confirmado. Vou deixar vocês na curiosidade xD

Vou adiantando que tô empolgado bagarai. Tomara que dê certo :D

See ya.

domingo, 18 de outubro de 2009

Ô raiva

Opa, ólia eu aqui de novo ;p

Pois é... a minha tranquilidade mencionada no último post durou pouco u.u

Ontem eu passei uma raiva dos infernos, mas não vou falar sobre isso.
Ouvi um pouco de Foo Fighters pra relaxar... sempre funciona :)

Mudando de assunto, hoje meu amigo de Vitória (o Max) veio me contar da Noite de Talentos, um evento da escola pros alunos se apresentarem com bandas e talz. Eu ia tocar com eles, se não tivesse vindo pra cá.
Enfim, ele disse que foi legal bagaray, eles tocaram direitinho, a galera curtiu. Pow, queria estar lá ;p

E agora acabei de ver um aumento repentino nas visitas do meu blog (Vendetta). Devo ter sido linkado em algum lugar, ou algo assim... Vou checar depois.

Bom, acho que vou parar por aqui...
Até a próxima, see ya.

sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2009

Não, não morri

Cansei de escrever em inglês, em portuga é mais leckal, porque dá pra usar expressões maneirinhas o/

Enfim, fiquei um tempão sem postar aqui, nem eu sei o porquê. Acho que foi preguiça mesmo ;p
Mas ainda tá tudo tranquilis, boas e más notícias daqui e dali, tudo caminhando normal.

Novidades? Deixa eu ver...
Sábado eu fui mergulhar com minha tia em Key Biscayne, foi legal bagarai;
Terminei o livro do Nietzsche (bom demais), comprei o do Slash e já comecei a ler;
Terça-feira eu comecei mais um namorico virtuals no chat do Insoonia (já é o terceiro... eu só consigo na internet mesmo, pqp u.u);
Hoje tive minha segunda aula de bateria na Best Buy, foi massa também... Depois ainda fiquei playando um pouco lá;
Meu blog (o Vendetta) tá passando por alterações no layout, foi colocado um template novo e talz, acho que tá ficando bacana :)

Bom, isso é o que eu lembro até agora... Vou tentar postar com mais frequência.

See ya.

sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2009

Mooore News

I don't even remember everything I did since I last posted here =S

On wednesday I met a brazilian woman at the language school were I study english. I was wearing a t-shirt from Brazil's soccer team, that's how she found out I was brazilian. We talked a little bit and then she left.

Yesterday I went out with a friend of my uncle's to help him with some stuff, and he took me to a Sam Ash store. It's a musical instruments store, really big.
I stayed with him in a hotel and he took me back home today.

I'm really tired now and I can't think in anything else to write here, so I'm gonna stop now :)
Maybe I'll come back later

See ya.

domingo, 27 de setembro de 2009


Sup o/

Today was a good day. I went to the Best Buy store while my uncles were upstairs at the Target. I went to the musical instruments section and asked to try the drums. I played the Roland electronic drums. They're so good *-*
I also played the acoustic drums, but the cymbals were horrible.

Some time later, my uncles came to meet me, and my aunt found out that they had music lessons there! So she signed me in and I'll begin in two weeks. It didn't work out with the other teacher because of the noise. My little cousin couldn't take it.

So, I got home, talked to my parents on the Skype and I'll eat something soon.

See ya.

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009

Drums Class / Swamp

Here I am again :)

I kinda forgot to write here yesterday, I only remembered when it was about 1:00am. So I'm gonna tell what I did yesterday and today.

Yesterday I had my first drums class with a swedish teacher. He talks a lot, but he's good. The class started at 18h and ended about 20h. After he left, I stayed on the computer 'till 1:15am.

Today I went to a swamp with my aunt on a field trip from her college. I was very nice, but we got all wet and dirty. I just got home, took a shower and now I think I'm gonna eat something. My lunch was more like a snack.

See ya.

sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009

Miami Beach

Hello again :)

I just came back from Miami Beach with my uncle and aunt. We met a friend of my uncle's, an old chinese lady named Gloria. We ate some pizza and then some ice-cream. Then we went to an art gallery from a Brazilian artist named Romero Britto.

Miami Beach is a cool place, despite all the weird people. Lots of dogs.

I love dogs, but I never had one. My dad liked them too, but he was always too strict and he didn't want a dog messing up the place. My grandma is very afraid of dogs, and my mom thought I wouldn't take good care of it and she would have to do the hard work.

But someday, when I move to my own house, I'll have a dog and a cat. Dogs are fun, and cats are smart - that's why I like both.

Well, it's kinda late and I'm tired, so I'm gonna stop here.

See ya.

quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2009

Love Story

That's right, a love story.
It happened to me this year at school (2009). I guess it's a pretty good story and I'm gonna tell you today.
Get ready to read a movie story that actually happened:

In my classroom, there was this girl who claimed that she was unable to love. I, on the other hand, loved too much. I've always fallen in love easily. But this time it was different: I was in love with two different girls. I'm not gonna use real names here, so let's call that first girl "Luna". The other girl will be "Lorraine".

Lorraine was the first girl I fell in love with this year. She was very cool and just beautiful. And she had a boyfriend (that was one of the reasons I knew I would never be with her). I used to sit near her and her friends. With the time, we became good friends and I always enjoyed her company.

At first, I didn't tell anyone about my feelings for Lorraine. But I did put a music verse on my messenger, it was something like "Only with her I wanted to be". One of my classmates saw that, and in a few days all of my friends found out (Lorraine was the first one). But only my two best friends knew who she was. Only a little bit later a close friend of Lorraine's (the same that told her I was "in love") found out that Lorraine was the one. But she didn't tell anyone, as I begged her not to. But the second Luna heard the rumor that I was in love with someone, she came to me and made me tell her. Somehow, I couldn't say no. But it looked like she was already suspicious that it was Lorraine.

Well, the time passed, my friendship with Lorraine and Luna had grown, and so did my "other feelings" for both of them. Lorraine always thought that Luna was the one I loved, but I always said she wasn't. In fact, everybody thought it was Luna. I think that's why I began to notice Luna a little bit more, and the feeling of friendship began to turn into something else. I always said she was the female version of me. Our minds were very alike. Probably that was the main thing that made me fall for her as well.

The next time Lorraine asked me if Luna was the one, my answer was different. Actually, I didn't say anything at the question, but she realized it was a silence of  'yes'.
When I stopped to think about it, I realized that Lorraine now knew I loved Luna, and Luna knew I loved Lorraine, but neither of them knew I loved each one. Funny, huh?

Let's move to the time when Luna found out that I loved her: I, in a silly move, created an anagram putting together my name and hers. I started to write it in my notebook (I always kept writing stuff on my notebook and never studied), and people began to ask what it meant. Unfortunately (or not), Luna was really smart. In a few days, she found out the meaning of the anagram. I was devastated and didn't know how to react. She told me she wanted to pretend nothing had happened, but that was impossible.

Now, moving to when Lorraine found out about herself (no, I wasn't careful -.-).
One day, she told me she had had a bad dream the night before. Without asking how it was, I said that I had had a really good dream. I had dreamed about her. Then she started to ask me how was the dream, but I said I couldn't tell her. She kept asking and asking, so I told her. I just couldn't lie to her. But I didn't tell her who was the girl on my dream. What I didn't know is that she already knew who it was. She was already suspicious that I loved her too. When she told me that she thought she knew who was the girl in my dream, I looked at her with a scared face, and she started to smile. But it wasn't a happy smile, it was more like an ashamed smile. Then I said something like "oh shit", and we both felt weird. I was really devastated now, everything went wrong.
But worse things were to come.

The two best friends I mentioned before I'm gonna call "Kevin" and "Max".
One day I was hanging out at Max's house, and a couple days before he had told me he had something bad to tell me. He said he would tell me later, so I remembered him about it when I went to his place. But he still didn't want to tell me. I already knew what it was, though. He was in love with Luna too. When I asked, he didn't say anything. The same silence I made when Lorraine asked me about Luna.

But he assured me he wasn't going to try anything with her, that he would keep 'helping' me. But at that time I was beginning to give up on Luna. I still loved Lorraine, but - as I said before - I always knew I would never be with her. And at first I thought I had a chance with Luna, but after she found out I liked her, we never talked like we used to.

So, one day, I did the stupidest thing I could ever do in this situation: I put pride aside and told Max he could try to 'win' Luna. I though he would do things slowly, and wouldn't get anything.
A few days later I decided not to give up on Luna, but I told Max that he could keep on trying to be with her. That's when he said: "So you better learn to lose". I didn't know what he meant, but I did get really shocked.

At some point here - I don't remember exactly when - my mom had asked me if I wanted to go to Miami to live with my aunt for about 6 months. At first, I said 'no'. But then I started to think some more about it and convinced myself to go.

So I decided to use that as my last chance to get Luna. I was gonna tell her that I had already decided to leave, and that the only thing that could make me stay was her. When I told that to Max, he said that it probably wouldn't work. I asked him why. He said he was dying to tell me, but he couldn't. So I persuaded him to tell me. Big mistake (or not, again). He told me that he had already taken Luna on a date, that they had walked on the beach hand in hand. I felt terrible, betrayed. I couldn't sleep that night.

But I decided to talk to Luna anyway. I met her at school and asked to talk privately with her. So I told her what I had in mind to say before Max told me about them. When she found out I knew about her an Max, she got really mad at him for telling me, but it didn't last long.
She took a little while to think, and then she told me that she wasn't good enough for me, that I was an amazing guy and that she would probably date Max. I expected that answer, so I took it with no problems. Funny thing is, while we talked, Luna was extremely nervous and I was unusually calm and smiling. Perhaps because I was used to rejection, I don't know.

After that, I started to act naturally in the days following, even knowing that Max and Luna were together. After all, I was about to leave and I didn't want to waste those last days by ignoring my friends.
When my last day at school came, Luna gave me a letter and made me promise that I would only read it on the plane. The only reason I kept that promise was the only wrong reason. I thought that something in that letter could make me stay in Brazil.

I was right. The moment the plane got in the air, I opened the letter and found out that I had just lost the girl of my dreams. The female version of me.
On the letter, she said that the first one she loved was Max, but then she realized that I was the one who was perfect for her. We were perfect for each other, everyone knew that. The only difference between us was the only one that made her keep her feelings to herself. She was all brains. I've always been a little more emotional.
I actually felt like I was in a Hollywood movie when I read the letter. The "I Love You" written in codes made my head spin. All I wanted at that moment was to go back.

During all the flight I couldn't stop thinking about Luna. I was mad at myself for not opening the damn letter before.

A couple of days after I got to my aunt's house, I ran into her at the messenger.
I begged her to wait for me, she said 'no'. I asked her if there was any chance for us to be together when I got back, she said 'no'. And she gave me no good reason for that. She says she loves me and then she says that she doesn't want to be with me. Can anyone explain that?
She said she wanted to be alone, as she thought it was the best for her. Luna always thought that she was meant to be alone, I don't know why. I used to think like that too, - and I still do sometimes - but I never gave up.

Max found out about the letter, and he asked me what did it say. I said I couldn't tell him, and that made him figure it out by himself. So Luna told me she wanted to explain it all to him herself, and I let her. After she did, they took a break on their 'relationship'.

So, my plan was to stay as Luna's friend until I returned and then go after her, but lots of things happened with time, and I just let go. She and Max are no longer together, and I never talked to her again.

Max is still my best friend.

And that's the story.
I don't know how things will be from now on, but for now I guess I'm good. :)

See ya.


Hey, what's up?

So, I've just created this blog by simple will/need to share my thoughts.
Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Diego, but I'll use the nickname "Digs" here. You can call me DmL also, it's my temporary artistic name. I'm brazilian (but I'm living in Miami with my aunt for a while), I'm 17 years old and will be 18 in november, wanna be a musician (I can play the guitar, drums and bass; wanna learn keyboard, harmonica and saxophone). I created the blog Vendetta and I'm an Admin at the blog (des)Conduta.
That's all for now, the rest you'll find out later. Believe me, there's much more.

If you wanna see me drumming, you can click here and see some of my videos. These videos are kinda old, though. I can play better than that now.

So, in the next posts I'll be sharing my ideas and thoughts and I think you'll like it, even if you don't agree with it (and I bet most of you won't).

See ya.